It's summertime!! My youngest daughter and I have been swimming every morning and we're loving it!! The pool is in the open air and is surrounded by trees and birds of all sorts. We enjoy each other very much during our swim time...we do hand stand contests, swim laps, and toss around a water bomb or two ( no worries, the water bomb is perfectly safe...just a mushy pool toy.).
Yesterday, we got into an interesting conversation. Please indulge me for a moment while I paint a word picture for you...
My daughter asked me about rescuing a drowning swimmer. Would I allow her to jump into the pool to save someone (she was most likely imagining a drowning victim being a child of her size or smaller). In other words, would I allow her to jump into the pool, grab the victim, and pull them to safety.
I could tell on her face that my response was something that she did not expect. My answer was NO...not in the way that she viewed rescuing.
I pointed to two pool safety devices that were hanging on the fence surrounding the pool - a life hook and a life ring (or life saver as we would call it). I explained that these devices are used to pull someone to safety. I went on to say that many have drowned trying to save someone. So as much as it would depend on her in a pool emergency situation, she should use the safety devices already provided.
There was much more discussion; however, I'd like to make a point that relates to personal growth.
There was a time in my life that I was drowning...drowning in self-contempt, bitterness, condemnation, and fear. That's a short list of the myriad of negative emotions that daily tormented me. I had come to a place where I needed help...this was an emergency.
I met a woman who not only threw me a "life saver", but also life-hooked me into the redeeming love of God. She introduced me to the Life Savior.
Personal growth is just that, it's personal. This woman provided me with tools and aids to get out of the fatal whirlpool that I was in.
2 Peter 2:5-8 AMP encourages us to personally grow or develop in these areas:
- virtue (excellence, resolution, Christian energy)
- knowledge (intelligence)
- self-control
- steadfastness (patience, endurance)
- godliness (piety)
- brotherly affection
- Christian love
We are encouraged in 2 Peter 1 to add diligence and employ every effort in exercising our faith to develop in the above areas, or as I would term them - godly strengths.
Growth is personal. This is something that we do on our own, but we don't have to do it alone. We can exercise our faith to grow within a community. I was introduced and welcomed into to a Christ-centered community of women. A community where life savers and life hooks were divinely provided.
I have been rescued and introduced to the Life Savior. My focus is on growing in Christ, growing in grace and in the knowledge of Him. I am not alone. You don't have to be...reach out to the Life Savior. Grab hold of His safety devices and be welcomed in to a new life in Him today!
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