I've never considered myself to be very strong. I've done a great job of focusing on my weaknesses vs. my strengths all my life. As a matter of fact, I may have even become an expert...until last summer.
Last July, I was introduced to a book entitled, Your Child's Strengths by Jenifer Fox, M-ed. Since then, everything has changed...my lenses, my outlook, and my parenting approach...just to name a few areas!
I heard in a sermon recently that there's two things you can count on:
1) Change
2) A God who NEVER changes (Malachi 3:6)
At the time I read this book, I was not aware that I needed to change. Everything seemed to be working well between my daughters and I, but why was I so exhausted? Why did I feel so depleted? Why was I so discouraged?
Jenifer Fox helped me to realize that my approach, or the angle by which I was relating to my daughters, needed to change = less focus on what they were doing "wrong" and more focus on what they were doing RIGHT. What a concept!
So, I began changing my language around the house. I began purposely transforming, with the Lord's help of course, into a positive parent. I became my daughters' cheerleader!
Guess what? I'm happier. They are happier. My husband is happier.
I have a friend that occasionally reminds me of this - mom sets the temperature of her home. So, in other words, I play a huge part in my family's environment. Will it be an environment of criticism, fault-finding, and finger-pointing OR will it be an environment of complimenting, highlighting, and Jesus-pointing?
Today, I am a STRONG parent praying for and influencing STRONG daughters. I am purposely growing...reading books, studying Scripture, participating in workshops and retreats that encourage my areas of STRENGTHS.
It's an unorthodox approach to life, but it is one that has absolutely changed my life and the lives of my loved ones!!
I have been forever changed by the God who never changes!!
For more information on Jenifer Fox visit her website: www.StrengthsMovement.com.
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