Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Tsunami of Love

I have this feeling. It's just a feeling. Not a girlie feeling, an achy feeling, or a mushy feeling. It's a deep feeling...that a tsunami is coming. There is a rumbling. A trembling. The waters are vibrating, the foundation is shifting...a better way is coming.

There's a song by Kari Jobe, Sweep Me Away, that captures what I'm feeling. This is what I'm asking Him for...

Sweep me away, Sweep me away in Your love
Where nothing else matters

Just You and me, Just You and me,
Sweep me away oh Lord

Your grace, it covers me
Your love, it covers me
Oh God, You cover me

I want to be drenched in the waters of love, joy, peace, and hope. I want to be refreshed in my motherhood, my marriage, and my relationships.

Teach me, Lord, to be a strong woman with a soft heart.

- Teach me to talk like You do
- Teach me to encourage like You do
- Teach me to love like You do
- Teach me to see the potential in others like You do
- Teach me a better way

Hebrews 7:20 MSG, "...Jesus the guarantee of a far better way between us and God—one that really works!"

There is a better way. There has to be. The Bible says that there is and it is in Him, by Him, and through Him...Jesus.

My anticipation is growing. My heart is soaring. The movement has begun. A tsunami of love - a better way - is on the rise.

Pray with me to be swept away.

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