Friday, September 17, 2010

Morning Manna

"I once was young, now I'm a graybeard— not once have I seen an abandoned believer, or his kids out roaming the streets. Every day he's out giving and lending, his children making him proud." -- Psalm 37:25-26 MSG

Abba, You are fiercely protective of my family and I. As The Ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven, You provide for our every need. Provision is within the very thread of Kingdom Principles.

Today I pray for my husband and the work of his hands. Bless him in the city and in the country. Bless his coming out and his going in. May he have the Jesus touch - everything he touches heals, grows, prospers.

- Bless his speech, his thoughts...may he have the Mind of Christ.  
- Bless his fatherhood...may he encourage, love, and support his daughters.
- Bless his husband-hood...may he be strengthened in our marriage and future.
- Bless his body...may he be in good health and prosper, even as his soul prospers.
- Bless his relationships...not only those through personal ministry, but also those on the outside.
- Bless his leadership...may he lead like Jesus led.

Overwhelm him with Your Grace...unmerited favor. As he honors You, you will bless his wife and his children. We call him blessed!

Teach me to unconditionally love, respect, and honor the man You have chosen for best friend.

He is Your Gift to me.

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