Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Morning Manna

"I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them." -- Hosea 11:4 NIV

Abba, You are not a hard master. You are gentle, meek, and lowly in heart. You are kind, generous, and all-together lovely.

"We are only meant to wear the yoke that leads us to freedom. The yoke of Christ is kind." -- Beth Moore

I'm overwhelmed by Your Kindness in this Scripture. You lean down and take off the hard yoke. You replace the hard yoke with cords of loving-kindness. You are my provider, the Bread of Life...the only meal that truly satisfies.

I'm reminded, Jesus, of the wedding cords that are traditional in some cultures. A three strand cord is not easily broken! You tie me with cords that will not tear. They are gripped in Your Hands, yet they do not yank my neck nor crush my jaw.

Your ties, Your Bonds of Love, lead me. You want me to want to walk with You...You do not force me.

You will never let me go!

I am amazed at Your Love for Your People Israel. Oh how they bucked, pulled away, yanked hard at Your Cords of Love. Yet, Grace super-abounded...Your Unusual Kindness prevailed.

May I surrender to Your Cords of Love for me. Yes, Lord, tie them around my shoulders and lead me into Your Everlasting Arms.

Pull me close, lead me, walk with me in this season.

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