"And He said to them, How many loaves do you have? Go and see. And when they [had looked and] knew, they said, Five [loaves] and two fish. Then He commanded the people all to recline on the green grass by companies. So they threw themselves down in ranks of hundreds and fifties [with the regularity of an arrangement of beds of herbs, looking like so many garden plots]. And taking the five loaves and two fish, He looked up to heaven and, praising God, gave thanks and broke the loaves and kept on giving them to the disciples to set before the people; and He [also] divided the two fish among [them] all. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve [small hand] baskets full of broken pieces [from the loaves] and of the fish." -- Matthew 6:38-43 AMP
Abba, what strikes me about this passage today is that You asked the disciples what they had in their hands. You didn't refer them to find the solution in a book they had read, a sermon preached the previous week, or a miracle they had recently witnessed. You asked them what they had in their hands at that moment.
I'm consistently amazed at how You encourage me! What little I have, in Your Hands, is much. By Your Grace, nothing that I do or can take credit for, You multiply what I have. You are my Jehovah Jireh.You love to provide for my needs.
Jesus, Your realm is the realm of faith, not the realm of feelings. For my feelings take me on a never-ending, always-looping roller coaster ride.
You caused the people to rest in fat pasture. You knew there would be a need. You already had a plan. A lesson of faith for Your disciples to learn.
Today I'm reminded to look beyond what I have in my hands. See with my eyes of faith.
Leaning on You rather than my own understanding.
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