Saturday, August 28, 2010

Morning Manna

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears and listens to and heeds My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will eat with him, and he [will eat] with Me." -- Revelation 3:20 AMP

Abba, I had a small card with Revelation 3:20 and the beautiful picture of You knocking at a door as a small child. I kept it in my room, often times attached to my mirror. So this Scripture and picture are very dear to me and bring me warm memories of solitude with You.

You have made me a Learner. Most times when You have caused a verse to bubble up in my heart, I will go to the Lexicon and dig into the original meanings in Greek and/or Hebrew. You know that I'm going to run to the computer to look the Scripture up in its original language. I bet You take Joy in that...You find Joy in watching me find Your Treasure. I love being Your Scriptural Archeologist!

I am blown away by all that Revelation 3:20 has to reveal. You establish Yourself at the portal of my heart and strike at the opening. You pursue me, not quietly, but making loud noise. If I even crack the door open, You shine - You come in. You bring enlightenment in my times of darkness. You offer me of Yourself, the Bread of Life, the Chief Meal...this is my Supper, You're my Sacrificial Lamb.

Jesus, You have given me Food for my thoughts that will last throughout the weekend. I am overwhelmed and am about to bust!

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for unveiling Jesus. This is Your Supreme Pleasure and I take Joy in knowing Him more.

Unveil and reveal more and more to my heart today.


  1. Oh girl I'm a digger too! It is one of my favorite things of all - I call myself a word geek that way. I love that God 'layered' Scripture with such meaning for girls like us!

    I am so glad to find your blog! You have such wisdom and I'm glad you are writing it down!

    Thanks for linking up your about page! I was thinking the other day that I would love to meet with you over coffee and just chat sometime!

  2. Love how you love to dig into His Word! You have a beautiful family! Stopping by from 29lincolnavenue! :D Great to meet you!

  3. @Stacey, I'd love to meet for coffee and chat!

    @Sherry, so nice of you to drop by. It's a pleasure to meet you!
