Thursday, October 7, 2010

Morning Manna

"Let us therefore be zealous and exert ourselves and strive diligently to enter that rest [of God, to know and experience it for ourselves], that no one may fall or perish by the same kind of unbelief and disobedience [into which those in the wilderness fell]." -- Hebrews 4:11 AMP

Abba, You were intentional to prescribe a pattern for us at the very Beginning. Work followed by rest. And in this work, not only was it Very Good, but if brought You much pleasure. And then, You rested to gaze upon the beauty of Your Creation.

Thank You that You bring the increase! You invite us to partner with You because You know our pattern of working, of earning. I believe You do that just for us. Because we are prone to sweat, You give us opportunities to purposefully engage in specific activities for our pleasure.

You invite me to pray for my benefit and just because You love to hear my voice. Yet, You will provide all of my needs according to Your Heavenly Warehouse...regardless. You invite me to pray and exchange my prayers for Your Peace.

Unbelief is a serious work and is exhausting...doubt, fear, wondering if the answers will ever come. Unbelief is defeating. Unbelief and worry is sin and is hurtful to You.

So we labor to enter into Trust. We labor to enter into Peace. We labor to enter into Rest. For our very own flesh fights all these Gifts of Your Grace.

The season of Harvest is approaching. Cause me to enjoy the fruit of my labor. Cause me to enjoy the Work of Your Hand in the life of my family.

Cause me to enjoy this time in this season...for I am Loved.

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