Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Morning Manna

"God said, "I love you." You replied, "Really? How have you loved us?" "Look at history" (this is God's answer)." -- Malachi 1:2 MSG

Abba, circumstances sure have a way of effecting my memory. The "everyday" has a way of drowning out all that You have already done in my life. Some days, I need to re-member what the enemy tries so hard to dis-member.

There are days that I tell my girls, "I love you...I just love you!" It's nothing they have earned, it's nothing they have obeyed to receive. My love for them is not based on what they have done...it is based on their belonging to me. I just love them period!

You feel the same way about me...Your Grace overwhelms me. Your Grace causes my heart to want to please You more and more. Your Grace causes me to draw near to You. I need You.

Thank You for reminding me to "re-member" what the enemy fights so hard to "dis-member". The enemy of my soul wants me to focus on what has yet to be answered through thoughts of doubt, suggestions of abandonment, arrows of fear.

You and I, Jesus, we have a history...a His-Story between us. You have done SO much in my life and it's not over yet!

I'm gratefully calling to remembrance Your Love for me...You shepherd my heart with Your Tender Care.

I am Your Beloved...thank You for reminding me to live loved.

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