Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Morning Manna

"And Jesus stopped and called them, and asked, What do you want Me to do for you?" -- Matthew 20:32 AMP

Abba, this Scripture in Strong's Greek Lexicon explains that You literally said to them, "What do you choose from Me?, What do you want to take from Me and keep taking over and over again?"

The choosing or taking in this verse was like lifting up your arm and pulling fruit from a tree. It was like Jesus said, "Raise your hands and take from Me and then take some more." 

The word "stopped" in the verse means that You not only stopped, but You established Yourself...You put Yourself in purposeful position. I believe that You put Yourself in position to give...arms outstretched.

Jesus, I'm no scholar, but I am a student of Your Word. I do love to dig into the original meanings because there is so much...there is so much to take from You and then keep taking and taking!

It seems that in the Old Testament, Your people asked what You wanted from them...they asked You to give them the Law. However, in the New Testament, it seems as though You ask Your People what they want from You...You give them Grace.

Oh how I love Your Ways...for they are perfect.

I feel as though up ahead there is a transition point, a fork in the road, and You are asking, "What do You want to take from Me? What do you want from Me for the new journey?"

These are precious discussions...may my inner ear hear Your Whispers.

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