Saturday, November 6, 2010

Morning Manna


"I will be like the dew and the night mist to Israel; he shall grow and blossom like the lily and cast forth his roots like [the sturdy evergreens of] Lebanon." -- Hosea 14:5 AMP

Abba, You reveal Your Manifold Care for me day by day...give me this day my Daily Bread.

You will be like the dew...bringing refreshment every morning. The lily quickly fades, so You are willing to complete me, fill in my gaps, every morning.

Not only do You make me like the lily, an emblem of Grace, You cause my roots to spring forth like the cedars of Lebanon...a beautiful mountain range. Deep, established, immovable roots...tried and true.

The lily and the cedar - emblems of Grace and Strength.

You are my daily Grace and Strength.  

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